Sunday, April 17, 2011

New K Deck ARRIVED!!

Wsup?!?!?!?!?!?! Just got my new K 2 day.

*Red Ply Reg. #k Deck
*Green No-Comply Trucks
*Roll-9 Wheels
*AFX Tuning
*Karma Kups

You're probably wondering where I got the Karma Kups. I got them BEFORE Karma quit FBing. WYED U QUIT KARMA?!?!?!?! U SUCK!! No, just teasing. Hez awesome. Also, the FSS limited Edition Stickers came out yesterday. I know that's a little late to tell you. Anyway, will try 2v review the roll-9 wheels. My camera is still broken and I'm busy. Will try 2 get my camera working again. Please follow me and sub 2 me on youtube. Also, feel free to leave a comment and I will probably get back to you on that question. If you don't already know, the bench is not up for auction anymore. I'm keepin' it! MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA [cough]. STUPID!! LOL. Will try to auction off more stuff. If you want more stuff, please tell me either by leaving a comment on my channel (YouTube) or on my blog (u r on it RIGHT NOW!!). U must be a subscriber to me on YouTube or a subscriber/follower on blogger. If you don't have a YouTube account, then SORRYYYYY!!!!!! :(. Anyway, See u latr!!!!!! Keep FBing peace!!!! Yo Yay!!!! (and all that jazz).

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