Thursday, April 14, 2011

Huge Restock and New DECKS!!

Aphlikshun just came out with 3 types of new decks!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tamo 'M' deck and the tamo Standard AFX deck. Don't think I can get either of them to review becuz I'm broke for FB money but might be able to review one sometime in June (don't know when). Also, AFX had a big restock on the K2 decks and the regular K decks. Also, Cruiser and "Exotic Ebony Deck" cruiser are both in stock. I would suggest getting the Exotic Ebony Cruiser. It's just my opinion. Will try to get the exotic cruiser and review it sometime in June. GINORMOUS shout out to Phil @ AFX for making this all happen. I can't thank him enough. Check out AFX here:

I gave you the links to the "Deck" page because I thought that you should really check it out.
See u latr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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